Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Bang & Olufsen has a two-tiered management structure consisting of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management Board. The Board of Directors determines the overall strategy and supervises Bang & Olufsen’s activities, management and organisation while the Executive Management Board handles the day-to-day management of the company.

The company’s Board of Directors and Executive Management Board constantly strive to ensure transparency and accountability through building trusted relationships with shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and the community.

The company is subject to the Recommendations for Corporate Governance issued by the Danish Committee on Corporate Governance and implemented by NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S in the “rules for issuers of shares”. The company complies with the recommendations currently applicable. The Statutory report on Corporate Governance can be downloaded below. 

More information is coming soon.

Investor contact

Cristina Rønde Hefting
Head of Investor Relations
Major Shareholder Announcements should be sent directly to

Press contact

Marie Elbæk
Global communications
+45 60 21 25 42

Other enquiries

For all non-PR or non-IR related enquiries, e.g. advertising and HR related questions,
please contact Bang & Olufsen’s main office at:
+45 9684 1122